What I Wish I Knew Before Starting Law School

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Eight years ago, at the age of 18, I made the decision to go to law school.

It started out pretty tough, but it turned out to be the best decision of my life.

When we start our law degree thereā€™s a lot to think about – weā€™ve got to make new friends, find our way around, and wrap our head around a barrage of new content. Itā€™s pretty daunting stuff, even for the most outgoing and academically gifted among us.

But, it doesnā€™t have to be this way.

With the right guidance we can all hit the ground running from day one, have fun, and basically thrive in every way we can. Let me explain how.

šŸ”­ Use Your Periscope

Do you guys remember the Concorde?

Way back in January 1976, the supersonic Concorde jet took off for its first commerial flight, after a huge investment of $2.8 billion from the British and French governments. But, even when it became clear that the plane wasnā€™t really that profitable, or probably ever going to be profitable, they continued to pour even more money into the failing project for another 27 years.

This whole incident gave birth to the term ā€œthe Concorde fallacyā€ or, as itā€™s more commonly known, the sunk cost fallacy.

The idea is that weā€™ve all got this tendency to continue doing something when weā€™ve invested a ton of money, effort, or time into it – even if the current costs outweigh the benefits. Like, have you ever kept reading a book or binge watched a show on Netflix even though you just werenā€™t that into it and thereā€™s a million other better things you could be doing with your time? Thatā€™s the sunk cost fallacy in action.

Now, I wish I knew about this when I started my law degree. The problem was that the more time I put into my studies, doing various bits of legal work experience, and landing vacation schemes, the more I felt like I was being sucked into a legal career, without really giving it much conscious thought. Basically, the more time and effort I put into law (in one form or another), the greater itā€™s gravitational pull. Becoming a lawyer felt increasingly inevitable.

Iā€™ve spoken to a bunch of people about this, and this seems to be a pretty common story. Itā€™s like weā€™ve just put so much time into studying law, and all our friends and family seem to expect that weā€™re going to become this amazing lawyer, that we just never stop to think about whether or not the path weā€™re on is the one we actually want to take.

Donā€™t get me wrong, a law degree is great, but that doesnā€™t mean weā€™re necessarily going to enjoy a career in law.

My advice, then, is to genuinely explore what you want to do with your life as early as you can in your degree. Donā€™t think about the money or the status, but about whether or not the path youā€™re currently taking truly energises you.

You see, the sooner we decide we donā€™t want to be a lawyer, for example, the sooner we can start finding out what we really want to do with our lives. Which, to me at least, is a million times more important than the degree itself.

Remember, itā€™s totally cool if you decide you donā€™t want to pursue a legal career having studied law. Just donā€™t continue following a path just because itā€™s the easy or most comfortable option right now.

šŸš™ Stay the Course

Every single law student is given the same horror stories about law school:

ā€œOh, thereā€™s SO much readingā€

ā€œNobody gets a firstā€

“Youā€™re going to have no social lifeā€

So, we basically end up starting our degree from a position of fear, almost expecting to fail before weā€™ve even started. Itā€™s actually kinda crazy if you think about it.

The truth is, though, law isnā€™t all that hard.

In fact, the difficulty of your first year at uni is, at most, about the same increase in difficulty between your AS and A2 years of your A-levels. Sure, there may be a little more ā€˜self-studyā€™, but itā€™s super easy to manage with a little bit of organisation.

Remember, unis arenā€™t trying to weed you out. All the weeding out is done before you even get there through the various exams, interviews, and other tests you have to do before you arrive. But, as soon as classes start, the lecturers just want the best for us. There are advisors, supervisors, support systems, options to retake exams, and a heap of other ways that our unis try to help us do well. Honestly, the hardest part is getting in!

But, even if you do find your law degree hard, thereā€™s a couple of things we should try to keep in mind:

1. First, confidence builds by doing

Itā€™s not that easy to see progress at the start and can be really frustrating to wrap your head around some legal concept for the first time. Itā€™s hard to see the improved difference from day to day. But, without a doubt, if we keep turning up and putting in the work, our confidence in understanding the intricacies of the law builds massively in a relatively short amount of time.

The key is to just be persistent.

Thomas Edison said something like ā€œGenius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspirationā€. Well, being a great law student isnā€™t really about intelligence, itā€™s 99% persistence. Thereā€™ll be moments where we doubt ourself, and think ā€œwhy the hell am I doing thisā€, but if we keep going thereā€™s no reason to think we canā€™t do really well.2

2. Second, hedonic adaptation

This is related to the previous point, but the idea here is that as humans weā€™re super adaptable to ever-changing circumstances. Every year at school things have got a little more tricky, a little more is expected of us, yet weā€™ve managed just fine. Sure, things at the start of the year may feel like a shock, but, soon, the base-line of what weā€™re able to do and achieve increases and that becomes our new normal.

But, having said all of this, there are always ways we can, and should, make life easier for ourselves, which takes me on to calibrating your compass.

šŸ§­ Calibrate your Compass

If thereā€™s one thing that wouldā€™ve made my life a lot easier when I started my degree itā€™s knowing what it means to learn something.

By the time I started my degree, I was pretty good at memorising stuff and regurgitating stuff Iā€™d read in textbooks and heard in class. And, at the time, thatā€™s all I needed. That was enough to get me the grades to get unto uni. Job done.

But, at uni, learning isnā€™t about memorisation and regurgitation. Instead, learning is an earned process. So, what I mean by this, is that rather than being given everything we need to learn, weā€™ve got to go out there and do most of the stuff ourselves.

Like, lectures are only supposed to be a guide for independent study, and not an exhaustive overview of everything we need to know. And the material isnā€™t already perfectly curated in a single textbook. Itā€™s something weā€™ve got to curate ourselves through reading different things and sorting that information in the right places.

Itā€™s for this reason, then, that metalearning skills are so ridiculously important at uni. Itā€™s literally game-changing.

So, if you do nothing else in your first year of uni, learn how to learn the law. I wonā€™t go into too much detail about this here as Iā€™ve got a bunch of other videos on this already, but I wouldā€™ve saved so much time in the early days of my degree if Iā€™d put some time and effort into optimising my study habits.

For example, one of the biggest study pitfalls that most people tend to fall into is forgetting to calibrate the compass, as I call it. In the same way weā€™d check a compass to make sure weā€™re heading in the right direction, itā€™s vitally important weā€™re constantly checking what we understand and where there may be gaps in our knowledge.

So, the best way to do this, is to be constantly reviewing what weā€™ve previously learnt to identify knowledge gaps and re-learn those topics regularly, rather than waiting until exam season and having to cram it all in our head within a couple of weeks. Again, Iā€™ve talked about this stuff – the spaced repetition of learning – before, so definitely check that out if youā€™re the sort of person that gets particularly stressed during exam season lol.

šŸŒŠ Ride the waves

There’s always going to be waves. We just need to learn to ride them.

Basically, thereā€™s always going to be a certain level of disruption and uncertainty, and the students who do best are the ones who are comfortable and prepared for that.

In fact, almost every single topic weā€™ll do during our law degree will be littered with grey and uncertain areas, which are constantly adapting and changing over time. Itā€™s pretty easy as a new law student to have a mini breakdown about all of this, but I actually think the uncertainty of the law is what makes it such a fascinating subject. Weā€™re able and encouraged to have an opinion, think critically, and make any argument we like, as long as thereā€™s sufficient evidence to support it.

To be fair, at times the uncertainty goes beyond the substantive aspects of the degree – like sometimes weā€™ll miss home, sometimes weā€™ll find it difficult to ā€˜find our placeā€™, and sometimes weā€™ll think we donā€™t belong. But, this is all normal. Uni is always going to have its ups and downs. The important thing is we ride out the hard times, and find opportunities to enjoy the good times too.

Which leads me on to my final thought: remember to sightsee.

šŸ“ø Remember to Sightsee

As a law student, weā€™re going to need a good outlet for our stress and frustrations, otherwise it will mentally, physically, and emotionally eat away at you.

When I started my law degree I didnā€™t give much attention to my personal life, and everything suffered. I felt awful, I was stressed, and I thought that uni wasnā€™t for me at all. But, something just clicked a few weeks in and I decided I was going to make the most of my university experience.

The main change I made was to time block personal time first. At the beginning of each week Iā€™d decide when I was going to go to the gym, what society events I was going to attend, and when Iā€™d go out with friends. My work had to fit around my play, and not the other way around.

This made me SO much happier. Plus I started to get so much more done when I was working. It felt like a miracle.

So, my advice is to make sure you make time for yourself and, above all, make your wellbeing your number one priority.